The Effect of Giving Guava and Avocado Juice and Nutritional Counseling on Cholesterol Levels in Pre-Elderly Hypercholesterolemia at Sukamerindu Health Center Bengkulu

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Puja Nur Indah Sari
Tony Cortis Maigoda


An unbalanced lifestyle such as consumption of foods high in fat, cholesterol and insufficient fiber intake can trigger hypercholesterolemia. One of the non-pharmacological therapies to reduce cholesterol levels is by using foods that are high in fiber and antioxidants such as red guava and avocado. Guava contains vitamin C, carotenoids and pectin which are useful in lowering cholesterol levels. Avocados contain omega-9 which can lower cholesterol in the blood. The aim was to examine the effect of guava and avocado juice and nutritional counseling on cholesterol levels in hypercholesterolemia in the elderly at the Sukamerindu Health Center. Quasi-experimental is a method used with pre-test and post-test design. The study population was elderly aged 45-59 years at the Sukamerindu Health Center. The number of respondents used was 20 respondents. 10 people in the intervention group consumed a combination of guava and avocado juice and nutrition counseling, and 10 people in the control group received nutrition counseling which were taken by purposive sampling. The treatment given was a combination of 300 ml of guava and avocado juice for 7 consecutive days. Analysis using the Wilcoxon test showed that giving guava and avocado juice and nutritional counseling had a significant effect on cholesterol levels before and after treatment, with p0.005 (<0.05), mean 42.6 mg/dl. Provision of juice combination of red guava and avocado can be used as an alternative functional food ingredients to reduce cholesterol. It is strongly recommended that to add lifestyle intervention such as hope impact exercise or jogging in order.


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The Effect of Giving Guava and Avocado Juice and Nutritional Counseling on Cholesterol Levels in Pre-Elderly Hypercholesterolemia at Sukamerindu Health Center Bengkulu. (2024). TEMU ILMIAH NASIONAL PERSAGI, 5(1).
Gizi Pangan

How to Cite

The Effect of Giving Guava and Avocado Juice and Nutritional Counseling on Cholesterol Levels in Pre-Elderly Hypercholesterolemia at Sukamerindu Health Center Bengkulu. (2024). TEMU ILMIAH NASIONAL PERSAGI, 5(1).


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